In this Section

Module 8: Credit Scores

Module 9: Paying and Filing your Taxes

Module 10: Stewardship and Charitable Giving

Module 8: Credit Scores

Your credit score is a number assigned to you based on your financial history. It tells a bank or other lender how reliable you are, which determines loan amounts and level of risk associated with a loan. A credit score ebbs and flows frequently and takes time to build. Get to know the basics of a credit score and the factors that can improve or hurt your score.

Module 9: Paying and Filing your Taxes

Understanding and filing taxes can be an intimidating task, especially as the tax deadline nears each year. This module will break down why we pay taxes, how to calculate the taxes you will pay and how to file your annual tax return.

Module 10: Stewardship and Charitable Giving

As Delta Gammas we are committed to doing good. In this module you will learn creative ways to give back in terms of both your time and money. This module explores ways to make charitable giving possible, even if you are tight on cash, and provides specific ways to find service opportunities.

This initiative is funded by the Delta Gamma Foundation.

