For Immediate Release

Announcing Newly Elected Delta Gamma Fraternity Council and Delta Gamma Foundation Board of Trustees
Columbus, Ohio [July 15, 2024] — Delta Gamma Fraternity and Delta Gamma Foundation are pleased to announce the 2024-26 Fraternity Council and 2024-2025 Foundation Board of Trustees.
Elected and installed at the 71st Biennial Convention in Palm Desert, California, Delta Gamma Fraternity announces the following members of the Fraternity Council.
President | Dr. Amy R. Ayres, Alpha Iota-Oklahoma
Council Trustee: Collegians | Kristina Magovac, Delta Eta-Cal State, Sacramento
Council Trustee: Alumnae | Dr. Melissa Thompson, Gamma Zeta-Louisiana State
Council Trustee: Fraternity Programming | Shenea Stephenson Strader, Eta Iota-Nevada, Reno
Council Trustee: Membership | Natalie Cooper Grindle, Gamma Sigma-Houston
Council Trustee: Communications | Samantha Siffring, Epsilon Nu-James Madison
Treasurer | Susan Meyer Kornegay, Eta-Akron

"On behalf of the newly-elected Fraternity Council, we proudly and humbly assume the responsibility of leadership in Delta Gamma for the next biennium,” said Fraternity President Dr. Amy Ayres, Alpha Iota-Oklahoma. "We seek to think expansively and creatively about how our organization can best prepare for the collegians of tomorrow while also offering a rewarding and inclusive experience for all members of today.”
The Delta Gamma Foundation elected Trustees to serve on the Board at the Foundation Annual Meeting, held during Delta Gamma's 71st Biennial Convention in Palm Desert, California.
Jennifer (Jenn) Stuart Ragusa, Zeta Lambda-UC Riverside and Jennifer Surgalski, Zeta Sigma-Northern Kentucky, have been elected by the Foundation voting members to serve as Trustees for the 2024-2027 term.
Jenn Ragusa, continuing as Board of Trustees Chair, said of the new Trustee: “We are thrilled that Jennifer will be joining our Board of Trustees. With her stellar background, energy, and insights, Jennifer will be a tremendous addition to our team. Her business acumen will complement our talented group of trustees, and we are looking forward to a productive year focused on sisterhood and service. We are blessed to have such a deep and diverse set of skills on our Board of Trustees.”
Ragusa and Surgalski were elected and took their Oath of Office on June 28, 2024. Jill Elizabeth Roshto, Gamma Zeta-Louisiana State, will continue to serve as Treasurer and Lee C. Deadwyler, Gamma Iota-DePauw, will begin as Secretary. Catherine (Kim) Schmoker Hunnewell, Alpha Upsilon-Southern Methodist and Danielle Consentino D’Arcy, Gamma Pi-Roanoke continue their terms as Trustees.

Six elected members and three ex-officio members who serve concurrently in the roles of Delta Gamma Fraternity President, Fraternity Treasurer and Council Trustee: Fraternity Programming serve on the Foundation Board of Trustees to ensure the fulfillment of its philanthropic mission. To learn more about the Delta Gamma Fraternity Council and Delta Gamma Foundation Board of Trustees, click here.
About Delta Gamma: Delta Gamma Fraternity was founded in 1873 at Lewis School in Oxford, Mississippi. The Fraternity’s primary purpose is to foster high ideals of friendship, promote educational and cultural interests, create a true sense of social responsibility and develop the best qualities of character. Delta Gamma has more than 260,000 initiated members, 149 collegiate chapters and more than 170 alumnae groups. Delta Gamma Fraternity Executive Offices is in Columbus, Ohio.
About Delta Gamma Foundation: Incorporated in 1951, the Delta Gamma Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization formed as a complement to the Delta Gamma Fraternity, creating a vehicle for members to promote the educational interests and social responsibility referenced in Article II of the Fraternity Constitution. The Delta Gamma Foundation fosters lifetime enrichment for members, promotes Service for Sight and partners with the Fraternity to ensure the future of our sisterhood.