Meet the 2017 Collegiate Advisory Board!****The Collegiate Advisory Board is a new standing focus group of collegians that will provide the Fraternity with a collegiate perspective on issues of evaluating externally-driven programming and topics facing college campuses today, including mental health, sexual assault awareness and drug and alcohol use. After an application process, 24 women were chosen to serve on the board. Three women were chosen from each region. To create a diverse group, we selected collegians of all ages, both officers and non-officers, students from semester and quarter schools, members from varying size campuses, students at both private and public schools, members of varying size Delta Gamma chapters and members actively involved outside of Delta Gamma.
****The following are the 24 selected members of the 2017 Collegiate Advisory Board.
Abigail (Abby) Coulter
Abigail (Abby) Coulter, Eta Kappa-North Carolina State, is a junior studying environmental science and landscape architecture. Abby enjoys spending much of her time outside of the classroom playing sports and staying active. Her favorite sports to play are volleyball and soccer. She spends many weekends in North Carolina and Virginia going hiking. When she isn’t outside, Abby enjoys volunteering with the local animal shelter, sustainability initiatives on campus and Dance Marathon.
Alexandra (Alex) Brooks
Alexandra (Alex) Brooks, Alpha Chi-Penn State, is a junior studying marketing. She is currently studying abroad in London and has been enjoying traveling throughout Europe until her return in May. At Penn State, she is involved in Delta Sigma Pi (a professional business fraternity) and giving back to the fraternity in many ways. In her spare time, Alex enjoys yoga, reading and spending time with sisters.
Alexandra (Ali) Epstein
Alexandra (Ali) Epstein, Beta Epsilon-American, is a junior studying public health. Ali spends much of her time outside of the classroom working on Capitol Hill for Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., on his healthcare legislation team. She enjoys going to brunch, eating sushi and spending time with friends.
Alexandra (Alex) Whitten
Alexandra (Alex) Whitten, Gamma Phi-Arizona State, is a junior studying journalism and mass communications with a minor in criminology. She currently serves as vice president: risk management on her university’s Panhellenic executive board. Her position manages all the socials, formals and events for Panhellenic sororities on campus. Alex is a dedicated volunteer for the Foundation for Blind Children and a local animal shelter.
Alexis Jones
Alexis Jones, Xi-Michigan, is a junior studying biochemistry. Alexis is a varsity athlete and serves as the vice president: programming for Michigan’s Panhellenic executive board, keeping her plenty busy outside of class and Delta Gamma.
Allison Snare
Allison Snare, Zeta Epsilon-Santa Clara, is a sophomore studying accounting and information systems. She is actively involved in the Accelerated Cooperative Educational (ACE) Leadership Program at Santa Clara University and Shadow SCU Host program. In her spare time, she enjoys working out and is a math department grader.
Emily Gearhart
Emily Gearhart, Alpha Psi-Mississippi, is a freshman studying business. She enjoys working as a life guard and donating her time to the Student Activities Association.
Emily Seuferer
Emily Seuferer, Alpha Lambda-Drake, is a sophomore studying biochemistry, cell and microbiology. In her spare time, Emily enjoys exploring Des Moines, spending time with friends and watching any movie she can get her hands on!
Erin Woll
Erin Woll, Gamma Eta-San Jose State, is a junior studying public relations. Erin fills her time outside of school working 24 hours a week at an internship.
Fiona Simons
Fiona Simons, Alpha Phi-British Columbia, is a senior studying political science. Fiona volunteers in politics outside of the classroom. She enjoys exploring Vancouver, skiing, traveling and spending time outdoors.
Gabriella (Gabby) Torres
Gabriella (Gabby) Torres, Delta Beta-Kentucky, is a junior studying public health. Gabby is proud to work as the major gifts development officer for a non-profit on campus. She also volunteers her time to SCAPA, a local magnet middle school, in their fitness and wellness program. In her spare time, Gabby enjoys hiking, being outdoors, drawing and painting.
Hannah Pepprock
Hannah Pepprock, Pi-Montana, is a sophomore studying anthropology. Hannah is president of a mental health awareness club on campus and a participant in Pink Gloves Boxing. She volunteers weekly at a local elementary school and gives campus tours. She also manages to juggle two jobs with her schoolwork and extracurricular activities: one at a church nursery and the other for the Office of Admissions.
Jennifer Kopceuch
Jennifer Kopceuch, Epsilon Theta-Tampa, is a junior studying psychology. Her favorite pastime is reading a good book under the palm trees on campus or by the pool.
Kayleigh Schoenfelder
Kayleigh Schoenfelder, Alpha Kappa-Washburn, is a junior studying biology. On campus, she serves as president of Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society, treasurer of the American Medical Student Association, a student ambassador and a member of other clubs and campus activities. She also tutors for the biology department and on weekends works as a medication aide at an assisted living facility.
Kylie Ponn
Kylie Ponn, Gamma Rho-Wittenberg, is a junior studying communications and dance. Outside of the classroom and Delta Gamma, Kylie spends her time working for her grandmother’s business in Columbus, OH.
Maura Tomassetti
Maura Tomassetti, Beta Pi-Willamette, is a sophomore studying psychology. Maura works for a theatre camp during her breaks from school. She enjoys singing, and watching television and movies with friends in her spare time.
Michelle Barquer
Michelle Barquer, Epsilon Zeta-Loyola Marymount, is a junior studying psychology. Michelle keeps busy as an intern for LMU’s Fraternity and Sorority Life and by working in the Office of Student Leadership and Development. In her spare time, Michelle enjoys attending spin classes, baking cookies with sisters, caring for her adopted kitten and spending time with her nephew.
Mina Mahmood
Mina Mahmood, Zeta Theta-Columbia, is a sophomore studying political science. Mina spends most of her time working at an internship when she is not in class. Most recently, she interned with filmmaker Ken Burns. She enjoys volunteering at the local soup kitchen as well.
Peyton Lang
Peyton Lang, Zeta Nu-Montevallo, is a sophomore studying human development and family studies. When she is not busy with Delta Gamma and schoolwork, Peyton enjoys making music, teaching gymnastics and photography.
Samantha (Sammi) Zook
Samantha (Sammi) Zook, Gamma Beta- Tulsa, is a sophomore studying accounting. Sammi’s favorite activities are running and baking.
Sarah Cano
Sarah Cano, Gamma Sigma-Houston, is a junior studying nutrition. Sarah enjoys volunteering at a local hospital in Houston outside of the classroom. In her spare time, Sarah keeps busy event planning, reading and trying new recipes.
Sydney Komoto
Sydney Komoto, Lambda-Minnesota, is a junior studying business and marketing education. Outside of the classroom, Sydney interns for College Fashionista and Shop Revelry. She enjoys spending time with friends, photography and being outside.
Sydney Simmons
Sydney Simmons, Alpha Rho-Ohio Wesleyan, is a sophomore studying business administration. Sydney spends most of her time outside of the classroom as part of the OWU tennis team. Whenever she has spare time, she enjoys exploring the shops and new restaurants in the Columbus, OH, area.
Tamar Loeb
Tamar Loeb, Eta Upsilon-Drexel, is a sophomore studying general business. Outside of school and Delta Gamma, Tamar enjoys exploring Philadelphia, spending time with friends and trying new food.