the Delta Gamma Blog

I saw the post on Facebook looking for stories of sisters being ‘helpers.’ I immediately thought of Deborah Gay, Epsilon Chi-South Carolina. Deborah's family home in Irmo, South Carolina, was destroyed by the floods in South Carolina in 2016. Her parents have nearly completed rebuilding their home and lives. Throughout that process, Deborah was humble and grateful for the support and gifts from friends and family around the country. Recently, Deborah has taken this experience and is paying forward the kindnesses showed to her family by collecting donations (monetary and supplies) to bring to the people of Louisiana as they deal with these most recent floods.  

Ironically, in 2016, the University of South Carolina football team was scheduled to host Louisiana State University (LSU), but was unable to because of the floods. LSU hosted the game instead. The university collected donations for the flood victims in South Carolina, raised money and even played the Carolina alma mater in their home stadium. That kindness was not forgotten.  

This year, the people of South Carolina are paying it forward with truckloads of supplies. Deborah and her family are helping out because they know all too well what's really needed and when. It's obviously very personal for them and Deborah is dedicating so much time and effort to help others overcome what she and her family are nearly finished dealing with. Long before these trying times, Deborah had always been a shoulder to lean on when one was needed. Showing up during these times really demonstrates the power of "doing good," not just in your own community, but anywhere it's needed.

Moira Kelly

Epsilon Chi-South Carolina

the Delta Gamma Blog

Delta Gammas “Do Good” every day! We pledged to do so when we accepted our bids to Delta Gamma. In fact, our Fraternity letters were chosen because they represent our motto and desire to “Do Good." Let’s come together to put more GOOD in the world. During the week of September 11-17, 2016, Delta Gamma Fraternity invites you to participate in our annual “Do Good” Week by doing good deeds in your community.

Anyone can participate, whether you are a sister, fraternal partner, friend, neighbor or simply a kind person hoping to make the world a little better. Below are some examples of how you can "Do Good."

• Pay for the person behind you at a drive thru or in line.
• Take an unfamiliar colleague or classmate to lunch.
• Write a sincere note of appreciation.
• Plant a tree or garden.
• Deliver baked goods to your local fire/police department.
• Pick up trash in your neighborhood or local park.
• Plan a service event and invite other sisters and friends to participate.
• Take flowers to patients at a hospital.
• Volunteer at a food pantry.
• Visit an assisted living facility and talk to a resident who hasn’t had many visitors.
• Write letters to military personnel and thank them for their service.
• Volunteer at your local humane society, or another local non-profit.
• Donate items to Goodwill or a similar organization.
• Organize a food drive.
• Bike to work/class.
• Simply, be kind to everyone. 

Share your "Do Good" story on social media using the hashtag #DGDoGoodWeek and by posting on the official Facebook event page. You can also email your story (with pictures!) to the Delta Gamma Alumnae Department

the Delta Gamma Blog

The Baton Rouge alumnae chapter celebrated Dorothy “Dotty” West Farwell, Gamma Zeta-Louisiana State, and her many Delta Gamma contributions by presenting her with the Loyalty Award in spring 2016. Dotty’s Delta Gamma commitment has been to every facet of the Fraternity and Foundation, and continues to this day. She has advised her local collegiate chapter, served on Cabinet, led as a Delta Gamma Foundation Director and served as a member of the Foundation Board of Trustees. She received the Cable Award in 1980, and having had two Foundation scholarships endowed in her honor, Dotty, pictured here in green, was absolutely delighted to receive the Loyalty Award. 

The Loyalty Award recognizes alumnae who have continued to serve the Fraternity for at least 10 years after they’ve been recognized with the Fraternity’s Cable Award. She is a woman who exhibits extraordinary commitment and distinctive dedication to Delta Gamma. Find out how to nominate someone for the Loyalty Award here.

the Delta Gamma Blog

Maureen Sweeney Syring, Nu-Idaho, thinks big and accomplishes greatness – and Delta Gamma celebrated that vision by recognizing her with the Anchor Award in 2016.  From spearheading the wildly successful Project 90 to build the Martin Center at Delta Gamma Executive Offices and serving as Fraternity President, to stepping up, speaking out and leading changes to combat hazing and alcohol abuse on campuses nationwide, Maureen has lived and led with her Delta Gamma values shining brightly. Her contributions have been recognized with awards from the North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC), Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors (AFA) and myriad Greek organizations. Maureen, pictured here second from the left, has received the Cable Award, the Loyalty Award and the esteemed Order of the Delta Gamma Rose. 

The Anchor Award recognizes alumnae who have received the Cable Award and whose Fraternity service and achievements extend beyond the local level with a demonstrable, unique and lasting impact on every member of the Fraternity. Anchor Award winners are a mainstay, providing Delta Gamma a lifetime of reliable support from which all members benefit. Find out how to nominate someone for the Anchor Award here.

the Delta Gamma Blog

Debbie Seebold Evans, Mu-Missouri, and her commitment to “Doing Good” for Delta Gamma almost defines the Loyalty Award. Many know her as a change-maker on our Fraternity Council, Foundation Board of Trustees and Fraternity Housing Corporation. But so many other Delta Gammas have benefitted from her leadership in efforts as diverse as serving as a Council Appointed Coordinator, to co-chairing the Mu-Missouri Capital Campaign and her recent appointment as an advisory team chairman (ATC). It is easy to understand why the St. Louis alumnae chapter couldn’t wait to celebrate Debbie and her many gracious and precious gifts to Delta Gamma with the Loyalty Award earlier this year.

The Loyalty Award recognizes alumnae who have continued to serve the Fraternity for at least 10 years after they’ve been recognized with the Fraternity’s Cable Award. She is a woman who exhibits extraordinary commitment and distinctive dedication to Delta Gamma. Find out how to nominate someone for the Loyalty Award here.

the Delta Gamma Blog

Carol Stevens, Beta Eta-Texas, is a professional powerhouse and Houston Northwest alumnae chapter couldn’t be prouder! Her accomplishments in strategic consulting, management, training and coaching inspired Carol to start her own firm in 1998. Bringing her invaluable holistic perspective to international clients has garnered her company recognition as one of the fastest growing women-owned business in Houston – three times! Carol, pictured above in navy, was truly surprised to receive her Shield Award, presented by her admiring sisters at Founders Day last spring.

The Shield Award – The Shield Award recognizes alumnae who have achieved unique and noteworthy distinctions through leadership and verifiable accomplishments in their chosen fields of professional expertise. Find out how to nominate someone for the Shield Award here.

the Delta Gamma Blog

Judith (Judy) Galloway Thuer, Gamma Omicron-Indiana State, lets her Delta Gamma spirit shine in each of her volunteering roles! The Sarasota alumnae chapter proudly nominated Judy in recognition of her lifetime philanthropic commitment on a personal level, such as mentoring cadet and student teachers, partnering with a low-income mother to realize the goal of her Habitat for Humanity home, and on a larger scale, her leadership on the Plantation Community Foundation Grants Award Committee, raising funds and providing grants to local organizations. Judy, on the left in pink, was overwhelmed to receive the Oxford Award this year. Just as those who know her are overwhelmed with admiration for all the good that she does!

Elizabeth (Betsy) Lynn Teti, Gamma Epsilon-Kent State, has a “special gift of knowing how to relate to and gently lead people” and she has capitalized on that gift by “Doing Good” for countless local, national and international philanthropic organizations. We celebrate her leadership as a former Delta Gamma Fraternity Council officer, and member of our Board of Advisors, and mother to fabulous legacy, Julia Teti, Rho-Syracuse. Others recognize her presidency of the Pittsburgh Junior League where she helped raise more than $1.4 million for charity, and efforts through the D.A.R. and C.A.R. to support reconstruction of the Fort Pitt Blockhouse. The Pittsburgh South Hills alumnae chapter was thrilled to recognize Betsy, pictured at right in black with her lovely DG daughter, with the Oxford Award in the spring of 2016.

The Oxford Award – The Oxford Award recognizes alumnae who exemplify the Delta Gamma philosophy of community service through volunteer and philanthropic activities. Recipients bring a sense of pride to their alumnae groups through outstanding community efforts and involvement. Find out how to nominate someone for the Oxford Award here.

the Delta Gamma Blog

What do you do when you realize that you have 17 unsung Delta Gamma heroines in your midst? You nominate them ALL for the Cable Award. The Northeast Mississippi alumnae chapter did just that last year – celebrating alumnae who have lived our “Do Good” motto through committed support of the local collegiate chapters as chapter advisers and House Corporation officers, and leadership of the alumnae chapter as officers, coordinators and chairmen for events ranging from recruitment support to Founders Day extravaganzas. Founders Day 2016 featured a parade of fun as each of the alumnae pictured above was recognized for her incredible loyalty and devotion to Delta Gamma. 

The Cable Award recognizes alumnae who, through years of serving Delta Gamma, have evidenced unusual loyalty and devotion far beyond normal alumnae participation. Find out how to nominate someone for the Cable Award here.

Northeast Mississippi Winners:
Celia Cook Ford, Delta Lambda-Mississippi State
Charlotte Springer Cox, Delta Lambda-Mississippi State
Jessica Pope Hubbard, Delta Lambda-Mississippi State
Donna Hill Ross, Alpha Psi-Mississippi
Ginger Bland, Delta Lambda-Mississippi State
Kristy Kemp Alpe, Delta Lambda-Mississippi State
Lisa Beckham Sledge, Delta Lambda-Mississippi State
Luann Green Purnell, Delta Lambda-Mississippi State
Hellen Hicks Polk, Delta Lambda-Mississippi State
Martha Clare Kennedy Fitzner, Delta Lambda-Mississippi State
Theresa Brady Goldberg, Delta Lambda-Mississippi State
Sunny McGahey Whitaker, Delta Lambda-Mississippi State
Sarah Barnes Fratesi, Delta Lambda-Mississippi State

the Delta Gamma Blog

Dear sisters,

Not All the Stars Are in Rio!

As we all focus on Rio – those Olympic competitors are fierce and inspirational and incredibly
committed – it’s a great time to celebrate our very own Delta Gamma alumnae who are worthy
of nomination for Fraternity Individual Alumnae Awards. We all admire these stellar sisters who
“Do Good” for the Fraternity, with the Foundation, in their communities or as professionals.
The Olympic Creed observes that, “[t]he most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to
win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph, but the struggle.
The essential thing is not to have conquered, but to have fought well."

Many Delta Gamma alumnae are true “fighters” in making incredible contributions to the
Fraternity – and you probably know one! She stands up proudly and says, “I Am a Sorority
Woman.” She heads out for “Do Good” Week and then does it again 51 more weeks every year.
She fosters our incredible Culture of Care. She exemplifies the Founders’ commitment to their
little club of mutual helpfulness through her tireless philanthropic service, her ready response as
a collegiate adviser, her strong leadership as a professional role model and her quiet
commitment to improving the world around her.

In this Olympic season of gold, silver and bronze, please consider nominating that remarkable
Delta Gamma alumna in your life for one of the Fraternity’s IAAs. In addition to the descriptions
below, you can find more specific criteria for each IAA on the News/Resources page on the
Delta Gamma website. All IAA applications are located in the “Task” section of e-Ops+, and
complete nomination packets for all awards are due September 15.

The Cable Award – The Cable Award recognizes alumnae who, through years of serving Delta
Gamma, have evidenced unusual loyalty and devotion far beyond normal alumnae participation.
You can find Cable Award instructions here.

The Loyalty Award – The Loyalty Award recognizes alumnae who have continued to serve the
Fraternity for at least 10 years following recognition with the Fraternity’s Cable Award. She is a
woman who exhibits extraordinary commitment and distinctive dedication to Delta Gamma. You
can find Loyalty Award instructions here.

The Anchor Award – The Anchor Award recognizes alumnae who have received the Cable
Award and whose Fraternity service and achievements extend beyond the local level with a
demonstrable, unique and lasting impact on every member of the Fraternity. Anchor Award
winners are a mainstay, providing Delta Gamma a lifetime of reliable support from which all
members benefit. You can find Anchor Award instructions here.

The Oxford Award – The Oxford Award recognizes alumnae who exemplify the Delta Gamma
philosophy of community service through volunteer and philanthropic activities. Recipients bring
a sense of pride to their alumnae groups through outstanding community efforts and
involvement. You can find Oxford Award instructions here.

The Shield Award – The Shield Award recognizes alumnae who have achieved unique and
noteworthy distinctions through leadership and verifiable accomplishments in their chosen fields
of professional expertise. You can find Shield Award instructions here.

The Order of the Delta Gamma Rose – The Order of the Delta Gamma Rose is the highest
award presented by the Fraternity, honoring alumnae who have made distinguished
contributions to their nation and/or the world. Recipients are renowned in their chosen fields,
and MUST have received (inter)national recognition because of their individual efforts and
talents. You can find Rose Award instructions here.

Helpful Dos and Don’ts:
- Do review the criteria for each award well in advance of preparing the application.
This will give you an opportunity to gather all of the information that you will need to
complete the application.
- Do consider ALL she has accomplished. She has probably accomplished even more
than the efforts that inspired you to nominate her in the first place. Take a minute to think
about it, discuss it with others who know and work with her, write down a few thoughts,
then GO FOR IT!
- Do ask! Do you have questions about some of the awards or any part of the process?
Just ask your Regional Alumnae Specialist (RAS), Regional Collegiate Specialist (RCS)
or contact the Fraternity Director: Awards at
- Do brag! Now is the time to tell us all of the wonderful things that make you so proud to
call her “sister.” Has she won other awards or recognition? Did she single-handedly pull
it off? Has she been there day in and day out, with huge impact and an even bigger
smile? Tell us! Has she inspired or helped the collegians? Tell us! Is she a resolute,
dependable and yet cheerful crew leader? Tell us!
- Don’t wait until the last minute! As we all know, computers and websites are fickle
things. Just when you need them to work, they don’t. Make sure you plan ahead!
Consider nominating an alumna you know for “Doing Good” in an overwhelming way.

Rachel McDougal Bishop, Gamma Epsilon-Kent State
Director: Awards

the Delta Gamma Blog

Emily Hollett Pitts, Gamma Pi-Roanoke, was the lucky alumna who won our Convention Adventure contest. She won a free trip to DG Convention this summer, and brought along Jessica Bradshaw, Eta Theta-St. Louis, as her guest. Below is a "Day in the Life" of her Convention Adventure!

8:00  We had breakfast with the president of the Eta Theta St. Louis chapter. Jessica is a recent graduate of St. Louis so she knew their president from her time at the University.

9:00 General Session 1

I thought it was very interesting hearing about the Nominating Committee process. The speaker said that 81 women were nominated and 19 nominations were accepted for Council positions. After a survey, application, phone calls, emails and phone interviews, the slate was created for the seven Council positions. Additional nominations can then be made by the membership after the slate is announced.  

10:25 Parliamentary Procedure

Wilma Wilbanks went over a quick workshop on leadership. I love when she said "as president, you have a gavel not a scepter," and "you have been appointed not anointed." She also gave the advice to "follow your own rules," meaning to follow the rules of your organization and lead by example.

10:45 Election Forum

I was so impressed by the women running for positions on Council. Each had a career, family and many other organizations and activities they give their time to. I don't know how they do it!      

12:30 Lunch

I had lunch with five other Gamma Pi chapter members. It was great to meet some new Gamma Pi members and hear about where their lives have led them.

1:45 Foundation Annual Meeting

The State of the Foundation was simply inspirational.  It is always amazing to hear all the wonderful things our Foundation does for DGs and non-DGs.  Some of the awesome facts were:

  • Our Service for Sight philanthropy impacts one million blind or visually impaired individuals.
  • We have four schools started by Delta Gammas that share our Service for Sight mission.
  • The Foundation gave more than $290,000 Service for Sight Grants to 36 organizations this past year.
  • Delta Gammas have recorded 2.8 million service hours since we began logging, and 437,171 in 2014-2016. 
  • The Foundation gave over $770,000 in merit-based scholarships, Sisters Helping Sisters: Need-based scholarships and graduate fellowships this past year. 
  • Over the past 10 years, the Foundation has given $4.3 million to the Fraternity for programming. 

3:30 Lectureship

Leslie Morgan Steiner, the author of Crazy Love and a survivor of an abusive relationship, told her horrifying story of her relationship with her first husband and how she got out of the relationship. She answered a lot of questions from several sisters and opened our eyes to some of the patterns in relationship abuse. She also gave resources for help.

4:45 Region 2 Meeting

Region 2 elected our Nominating Committee member, Kay Harvey. Also, collegiate and alumnae awards were given out.

After the Region 2 meeting we had a break until the Foundation banquet. We went to the room and rested for a little while.

7:30 Foundation Banquet

The Foundation gave an award to an Outstanding Faculty member. Dr. Anne Gutshall gave a great speech about caring. The H. K. Stuart Spirit of Service Award was given to Eta Theta St. Louis which is Jessica's chapter. She was very excited. The winners of the Collegiate Leadership Award and Catherine Stuart Schmoker Leadership Award also gave great speeches.  I also ate with Emily Morrison at lunch on Saturday and was able to hear more about her life. Last, when Maureen Syring was awarded the Order of the Golden Anchor award, that was great.  Everyone was so excited for her. It was so cute to see her family, especially her husband, surprise her.  

10:00 We shopped the Hannah's Closet Midnight Madness sale and then headed to our room for the night.

As you can tell, it was a very busy day full of celebration, fellowship and learning.  


