Financial Empowerment Series

Funded by the Delta Gamma Foundation, this new series will provide all generations of Delta Gamma members with tools, resources and engaging educational conduct to manage their financial well-being. In this program, you will find 19 courses that tackle some of the most common personal finance questions and topics across a diverse range of goals and life experiences. Explore the Financial Empowerment Series here.

Hope Serving

The Hope Serving: Service-Learning Experience offers both collegiate and alumnae Delta Gammas the opportunity to participate in hands-on service related to our Service for Sight mission and develop as leaders on a local, regional and (inter)national level. The Hope Serving program encourages learning and critical thinking through hands-on service, community involvement, civic and social justice education.

 As a result of the Hope Serving experience, each participant will be able to:

  • Describe and emulate the Service for Sight mission.
  • Engage in lifelong service endeavors.
  • Create collumnae relationships.
  • Assess how Service for Sight impacts them as an individual.
  • Convey a rich understanding of the population served, and how this understanding parallels their sisterhood experience. 
  • Develop and articulate a deeper understanding of themself.  

Lewis Institute

Lewis Institute provides students with the opportunity to explore values congruence, identify their leadership style and strengths, understand successful approaches to conflict and develop an action plan or vision focused on systemic issues resulting in positive change.

Delta Gamma recognizes the significance of developing our members’ leadership capacity and the purposeful learning that occurs through values-based leadership programs. As a result, the Delta Gamma Fraternity and Foundation are committed to fund one woman from each collegiate chapter to attend the Lewis Institute. Check out this video from a past session of Lewis Institute.

Act with Intention: Health and Well-Being Series

Every four years, members participate in a series of rotational program offerings:

  • Alcohol Skills Training Program (Alcohol and Substance Misuse Prevention)
  • You Can Support Your Sister (YCSYS) (Mental Health)
  • Redefine the Path (Belonging).

These programs are conducted by trained facilitators and are funded by the Delta Gamma Foundation. Members will also have the opportunity to participate in programs such as the Human Dignity Workshop.

Anchored in Courage: Creating a Culture of Care

Prior to initiation, new members will engage in Creating a Culture of Care, an interactive education program that empowers participants to make safer, healthier and more compassionate choices. This program supports the early development of new members while promoting the values of the Fraternity.

Anchored through Adversity: Mental Health Programs and Services

Delta Gamma is deeply committed to supporting our sisters’ mental health. Multiple programs and services are available empower members to engage, manage and improve their mental health. Anchored through Adversity: Mental Health Programs and Services outlines extensive training opportunities, educational programs, and resources to create a Culture of Care in your chapter. 

Sexual Misconduct Prevention Education and Survivor Support Services 

Leda Health Virtual Educational Programming creates the opportunity to increase access to individual or group education related to sexual misconduct prevention. Up to seven hours of sessions on topics such as sexual assault, consent, intimate partner violence, Title IX rights, bystander training, the real cost of sexual assault and the unique challenges and opportunities presented by Greek Life. 

The Leda Health User Portal offers resources related to sexual assault prevention, support and care. Members can engage with Leda Health’s educational content and resources, including a Q&A section, texting services and a 24/7 support team. 

Risk Reduction Programming

The Risk Reduction Programming portfolio exists as a supplemental educational opportunity for chapters needing additional health and well-being education. Regional Directors and Regional Collegiate Specialists can complete the Training Consultation Request Form on behalf of a chapter that needs additional risk reduction education. Please consult the chapter before doing so, this could result in a program that the chapter would have to cover financially. 

Program Offerings include: 

  • Alcohol101+ 
  • Alcohol & Substance Misuse Prevention – Microlearning 
  • Tastefully Buzzed by Beers Aren’t Bad 
  • Human Dignity Workshop 
  • Mock Trial 